Cisco Continuing Education

Overview Qualifying options Policies and rules

Choose how you’ll earn your Continuing Education credits

When it comes to earning your CE credits, you’ve got options. Take qualifying training and courses, attend technical sessions at Cisco Live, or even help craft exams for future certification seekers.

Eligible training

Eligible trainings are produced by Cisco or by Cisco Learning & Certifications authorized learning partners or providers. The assigned credit value can range from four to 64 credits, depending on the training. If you have an active Associate, Specialist, Professional, or Expert certification, you can find the current list of CE-eligible training in the CE Portal Item Catalog.

Training types

  • Instructor-led or virtual instructor-led trainings, which are in-person or virtual trainings delivered through Cisco or authorized partners or providers
  • Digital or self-paced e-learning with labs and including eligible Cisco U. Learning Paths.
  • Digital training courses labeled 'lite' or "NO LABS" are NOT eligible for CE credits.
  • Custom instructor-led trainings developed by authorized learning partners using partial Cisco content and the Derivative Works tool.
  • Workshops and automation bootcamps, which are specific instructor-led training events focused on technology.
  • Other trainings pre-approved by the Continuing Education Technical Committee.


  • Credits will not be granted for items not included in the catalog.
  • Only authorized deliveries are eligible for CE credits. Good resources for finding an authorized delivery include Cisco Digital Learning, the Cisco Learning Network Store, and the Cisco Learning Locator.

Please be advised that inadequate completion violates the spirit and values of the Continuing Education program. Although a certificate of completion may be provided by your learning platform or provider once a certain threshold is met, to preserve the integrity of Cisco certifications, the Continuing Education program has the right to enact a higher standard of completion. To avoid any potential sanctions, you are strongly encouraged to review and complete all materials and labs included in an eligible training.


Exam development

You can earn Continuing Education (CE) credits by participating in our subject matter expert program for the development of Cisco Certification exams. This includes all Associate, Professional, and Expert tracks.

Item authoring

You will be granted credits for each item that is accepted according to the guidelines:

Eligible itemCredits per accepted item
CCIE Labs Performance items (all items)12
Tech core / Specialist exams performance items6
Associate performance items4
Specialist exams items3
Technology core items3
Associate items1


Note: Only items authored directly for Cisco through our SME program above are eligible for CE credits. Items authored through external vendors are not eligible for CE credits.

MQC/JTA Workshops

You will be granted credits for each day you participate according to the guidelines:

Certification levelCredits per day


Cisco Live technical sessions

Cisco Live events are a great way to earn Continuing Education credits.

If you attend Cisco Live, you can earn credits for attending approved sessions.

Eligible sessions include:

  • Technical Breakouts (BRK)
  • DevNet Workshops (DEVWKS) *other DEV classes are NOT eligible for credits
  • Instructor-Led Labs (LTR)
  • Technical Seminars (TEC) four- and eight-hour sessions
  • Capture the Flag (CTF)

Requirements to earn credits:

  • You must badge-in to a session on site that is a minimum length of 45 minutes.
  • You must attend at least 75% of the session.

Check out the following table to view the credits you can earn per session.

Session typeLevelCredits per session
Technical Breakout / DevNet Workshops

1000 Level

Eg: DEVWKS-1020, BRKAPP-1005


2000 Level

Eg: BRKCCT-2406, BRKCOL-2019


3000 Level

Eg: BRKCRT-3008, DEVWKS-3020

Instructor-led Lab

1000 Level

Eg: LTRSEC-1257, LTRPRG-1125


2000 Level

Eg: LTRENT-2496, LTRCCT-2336


3000 Level

Eg: LTRCRT-3000, LTRACI-3123

4-Hour Technical Seminar

1000 Level

Eg: TECOPS-1000, TECOPT-1101


2000 Level

Eg: TECSEC-2181, TECIOT-2022


3000 Level

Eg: TECCRT-3406, TECIP6-3600

8-Hour Technical Seminar

1000 Level

Eg: TECSEC-1273


2000 Level

Eg: TECDCN-2002, TECRST-2166


3000 Level

Eg: TECSEC-3672, TECCCT-3002


Capture the Flag

* This applies only to the eligible & marked CTF

Missions at the Capture the Flag Booth

1000 Level

Eg: CTFCOL-1012, CTFMER-102


2000 Level

Eg: CTFSEC-2047, CTFDCC-2471


3000 Level

Eg: CTFENS-3145, CTFSEC-3614


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