Showcase your ability to develop and maintain applications built on Cisco platforms. Build a unique blend of software and infrastructure skills, perfect for NetDevOps roles, with the Cisco DevNet Professional certification.

DevNet Professional certification

Showcase your ability to develop and maintain applications built on Cisco platforms. Build a unique blend of software and infrastructure skills, perfect for NetDevOps roles, with the Cisco DevNet Professional certification.

Overview Exams and training Resources

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Digital badge displaying a Cisco DevNet Professional certification

Cisco DevNet Professional Certification

With the DevNet Professional certification, you'll gain an advanced blend of skills—from app development on Cisco platforms to software and infrastructure know-how—that are ideal for NetDevOps roles.

Software design

Show your ability to gauge whether apps are resilient, scalable, and maintainable, and use logs to diagnose issues.

Using APIs

Demonstrate that you can optimize API usage and employ REST APIs for functions like error handling and pagination.

Deployment automation

Be able to build automation workflows and use technical specs to develop configuration management solutions.

Data security

Demonstrate your expertise in privacy, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates, Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OSWAP) threats, and end-to-end encryption principles.

How it works

No formal prerequisites necessary

Most learners have three to five years of experience in designing and implementing applications built on Cisco platforms, including Python programming.

Common learner profiles

  • Network engineer expanding skills in software automation
  • Developer moving into automation and DevOps
  • Solution architect transitioning to the Cisco ecosystem
  • Infrastructure developer designing hardened production environments
Person gives a presentation about Cisco certifications

Getting started

To earn this certification, you'll need to pass two exams:

  • A core exam
  • One of six DevNet Professional concentration exams

You'll have access to many resources—from guided learning to self-study and a community forum—that are designed to help you pass your exams.

Maintain your certification

Your certification is valid for three years. You can renew with Continuing Education credits or retake exams before expiry.


DevNet essentials webinar

Learn what to expect from the DevNet Professional exam, and discover learning paths, training courses, and other study resources.

DevNet Professional summary

Get a quick primer on the DevNet Professional certification and exams.

The DevNet Professional story

Learn why we created the DevNet Professional certification, and see how you can use it to plan, support, and grow your career.

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DevNet Certifications Community

Not sure where to begin? Head to the Cisco DevNet Certifications Community to get advice and connect with experts.